Thanksgiving is just around the corner...really it is next week. And that means that the S&P Annual Thanksgiving luncheon is coming up. So what to make?...mmmm... what to make... I know some thing turkey-ish...
As usual, I referred to, my cake decorating/idea bible of late. I started bright and early (well ok it was 9 but still) on Saturday...Little did I know Micheal's and JoAnn's moved from Halloween to Christmas faster that you can snap your fingers. And this little piece of knowledge made it a little more difficult to find a couple of the things I needed to complete my Turkey cake... So 3 stores and 2 hours later I found a maple leaf cookie cutter.
I hit the grocery store and got all my ingredients then home to make some fondant "tail feathers."
Next...a little food coloring spray
On Sunday, I attempted to make my first cake from scratch, Cream Cheese Pound Cake.
1st Attempt...Fail... Too much batter in the pan
2nd Attempt...Fail... Did not cook long enough
Attempt # 2 happened Monday night after work and I almost gave up. But, I had to try one more time, because I have just enough cream cheese and butter to make one more cake...
And 3rd Attempt...SUCCESS!! Just enough batter, right temp. and right amount of time.
Tonight (Tuesday), I made my icing and decorated my first stand up cake. I forgot to take pictures of my process, plus I can't give away all my secrets....
Here is the finished product. Tommy, my little turkey.
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