Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Gobble gobble...

Sorry it has been a while since I shared ... I have been a busy bee, please forgive me...there was a road trip to Houston and a plane trip to Florida to see old friends and watch my sister get married.  But back to the good stuff...

Thanksgiving is just around the corner...really it is next week. And that means that the S&P Annual Thanksgiving luncheon is coming up. So what to make?...mmmm... what to make... I know some thing turkey-ish...

As usual, I referred to wilton.com, my cake decorating/idea bible of late.  I started bright and early (well ok it was 9 but still) on Saturday...Little did I know Micheal's and JoAnn's moved from Halloween to Christmas faster that you can snap your fingers. And this little piece of knowledge made it a little more difficult to find a couple of the things I needed to complete my Turkey cake... So 3 stores and 2 hours later I found a maple leaf cookie cutter.

I hit the grocery store and got all my ingredients then home to make some fondant "tail feathers."

Next...a little food coloring spray

On Sunday, I attempted to make my first cake from scratch, Cream Cheese Pound Cake. 

1st Attempt...Fail... Too much batter in the pan
2nd Attempt...Fail... Did not cook long enough

Attempt # 2 happened Monday night after work and I almost gave up. But, I had to try one more time, because I have just enough cream cheese and butter to make one more cake...

And 3rd Attempt...SUCCESS!! Just enough batter, right temp. and right amount of time.

Tonight (Tuesday), I made my icing and decorated my first stand up cake. I forgot to take pictures of my process, plus I can't give away all my secrets....

Here is the finished product. Tommy, my little turkey.

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