Thursday, December 23, 2010

Happy Festivus

I love Seinfeld and spent most of my middle school and high school years watching it. Laughing at their crazy antics. Cracking up at and with Jerry, Elaine, George and Kramer. There was always something new and hilarious and sometimes so true..."man hands, " "close talkers," "the Soup Nazis," "Can you spare a square?," "Muffin Tops"...

And then there is Festivus...Celebrated on December 23, the nondenominational holiday involves a metal pole (instead of a Christmas tree). Instead of exchanging gifts, participants are encouraged to air their grievances. 

I encourage you today to air your grievances and moan and belly ache and complain and whine and nag and get it all out because tommorrow is Christmas Eve and there will be no whining allowed...

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